rapid rehousing program
helping families transition from homelessness to housing
making homes possible
A New Leaf’s Rapid Rehousing program offers a unique solution to families and individuals across the Valley currently experiencing homelessness by providing rental subsidy and case management.
This program reduces the number of months it would typically take to save for an apartment or home. with assistance used for up to 12 months depending on case management assessment and verification of household income and debt.
In addition to financial assistance, this program offers temporary case management, support services, workforce assistance and referrals to additional services to participants in order for them to address their challenges and maintain housing stability in the long-term.
RRH clients are eligible for move-in costs (including application fees), as well as rent and utilities to be paid based on financial standards that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual. The assistance can be utilized for up to 12 months if needed, unless the client exceeds the maximum financial assistance available in a 3-year period.
The amount of assistance provided is based on case management assessments and verification of household income and household debt. All single participants are evaluated according to the Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (Vi-SPDAT) through the Single Coordinated Entry System. All families are assessed using the Family Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (Vi-FSPDAT) through the Family Housing Hub
To inquire about our housing and shelter options you must first go through Coordinated Entry.
All families and single clients should call 211 for assistance.
Program staff meet participants at locations across the community, there is no physical office. Services are offered where they are needed most, with several geographic areas of emphasis.
families forever changed
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Eligibility requirements and funding availability varies. For more questions please email: