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how you changed Ivory’s life forever


My family and I experienced many struggles this year. I am a single mother of 3 children and found myself out of work for nine consecutive months. I am an independent person and do not like to ask for help from others, but I found myself in a position where I had no other choice. Upon looking for shelters or someplace I could stay with my children, and I came across the La Mesita Family Homeless Shelter. 


After reading about the type of family shelter La Mesita was, I thought that it would be a good option for my children and myself. I had been terrified of other options and considered living in my car to avoid traumatizing my kids by bringing them to an overnight shelter with strangers. Honestly, homelessness almost seemed like the better option at that point. But, the fact that I would have a private apartment unit for up to 3 months at A New Leaf made me willing to take a chance and bring my kids.

“I am a single mother of 3 children and found myself out of work for nine consecutive months, which led to my homelessness.”

I was thrilled when I was told that La Mesita could accommodate my children and myself, and even more so when the staff went above and beyond to make sure that we were comfortable upon our arrival.  The intake process was done quickly and when we arrived at our place it was decorated with care and compassion.


There were stuffed animals placed on the beds for my children, all of my kitchen cabinets were fully stocked, toiletries were fully stocked, and we had a full size refrigerator. I was thankful for the fact that we had our own space to allow our family to both heal and grow after a rough year.

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For the last year I had been struggling to provide just basic needs for my children; we had been without food, water, electricity and now a home. At La Mesita, for the first time in the last 8 months, I have been able to take a deep breath and re-focus on the short term and long term goals for my family. 


La Mesita requires all participants to attend FOCUS meetings that help to outline your goals and keep you on track. It was such a game changer to have someone else help me stay on track with my goals and reassure me. Over time I set goals to find employment, which I succeeded in. I submitted nearly 50 applications with the help of A New Leaf’s staff and got 4 job offers. I took the best paying one at an insurance company, and then was able to save up to get an apartment when I exited.

“La Mesita gave my children a home and was able to help me heal the family bonds that had been damaged during our struggle to get by.”

La Mesita offered amazing programs, support, assistance and direction to my family. I had lost so much confidence and independence, I felt like I was struggling to be a good example for my children. La Mesita was able to help me heal family bonds that had been damaged during my struggle to get by. They also helped me heal as a mother, and I was able to believe in myself as a provider once again. 


I am very thankful for what La Mesita did for me and my family and I think the program is extremely beneficial for families looking to restore their lives and build a strong foundation for a more positive future. It truly changed my life forever.

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you can change the life of someone in need