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how Colette serves her community by volunteering

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Colette has been volunteering her entire life, first at school, then through her church, and now with A New Leaf. For her, service to your community should always be a top priority, no matter where you are in your life.


“I grew up in Mesa, I went to school here, I go to church here, and I raised my children here –  I feel a commitment to the community, that I want to improve it as much as I can. A New Leaf has given me the platform to do exactly that, and with so many people.”

“I grew up in Mesa, I went to school here, I go to church here, and I raised my children here.”

Colette began working at A New Leaf only a few hours a week, helping to organize donations and food boxes, but she quickly saw the opportunity to do more.


“I knew so many people that needed help, and so many people that wanted to help, but they struggled to find each other. I found that at A New Leaf, I could bring these two groups of people together and make a remarkable impact.”


This started with Colette’s family, all of whom are active volunteers now. Quickly, she got her neighbors, friends, and eventually strangers, to donate their time and talents to A New Leaf.

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“I love to serve with my family. The opportunities to have my children serve with me, it’s been so meaningful to serve side by side. But while volunteering here, my family has grown to include the staff, donors, and other volunteers here at A New Leaf. This community work has given me so many wonderful people in my life.” 


A leader in the community, Colette is now a Volunteer Chair with A New Leaf, working to engage hundreds of other volunteers in the community. She spends her time helping others to make an impact, playing an important role in the East Valley.

“I know there are people like me out there that want to help, and I just want so much to show them that all you need is time to serve.”

“I know there are people like me out there that want to help, and I just want so much to show them that all you need is time to serve. Skills and qualifications are not as important as having the time and desire to serve, we can teach you what you need to know if you are offering to help.”


Colette sees so many opportunities for community members to get involved and help those in need. “A New Leaf works to end homelessness domestic violence, poverty, and so many other heartbreaking challenges, and that means there’s so many ways to help! We offer just about any opportunity you could possibly be looking for.”

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you can change the life of someone in need