Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, a worldwide day of donating that is often amplified by matching gifts. To put it in perspective, last year’s Giving Tuesday event helped raise $511 million in online donations for organizations in the United States alone. Total online and offline donations around the world included $1.9 billion. On Giving Tuesday, every contribution counts, whether monetarily or otherwise. Check out these ways that you can participate in Giving Tuesday 2020 and beyond. 


1. Give 

Donations mean more on Giving Tuesday than an ordinary day because many community foundations or partners offer matching donations for your gift. If you’re able, donate to your favorite organization (or two!) on Giving Tuesday. Chances are that your funds will go further than on an ordinary donation day. Research your favorite organization and see what options they have for matching your Giving Tuesday donations. It may be easiest to give online, but many organizations also track donations you send in or hand-deliver.


2. Share on Social

If you are unable to participate in Giving Tuesday monetarily, there are still plenty of ways to get involved. The easiest way is to spread the word. Hop on your social media channels and promote your favorite nonprofit friends and all that they stand for. While many people know about Giving Tuesday, there are still plenty of people who may not. Plus, you could be the person who reminds somebody about the importance of the day and encourages them to make a much needed donation. Remember that small donations add up to create huge impacts.


3. Recruit Support from Friends

Friends trust friends and people that they know. Take this time to call up a friend and simply tell them about an organization that you love and want to help. Establish trust by talking about your personal contributions and experiences with the organization, along with discussing ways that your friend could help. Together, come up with a plan to help benefit the organization of your choice. 


4. Consider Year-End Giving

If you miss Giving Tuesday this year, that doesn’t mean you’re completely out of luck for 2020. Many organizations rely on year-end donations to help propel next year’s initiatives and to finish strong for programs in the current calendar year. 

Even if your gift won’t be matched, your gift could still be vital to achieving fundraising goals for the year. Talk to a representative for the organization of your choice to ensure you can work together to make your contribution go the furthest. 


5. Create a Giving Plan

Maybe you missed out this year, but want to make sure next year’s gifts are counted on Giving Tuesday. Consider planning out your giving for 2021. Do some research on the organizations you’d like to help, and consider how much you would be willing to give in the coming year. We know that plans can change, but this will help you try to stick to a giving plan and remember important giving holidays and giving dates for the year to come.


Giving Tuesday is one of the biggest donation days of the year, so join in on the fun. Consider giving monetarily or through other contributions like spreading awareness throughout the community. Even a small act of kindness can make a huge difference to an organization in need.


you can change the life of someone in need