helping domestic violence survivors heal

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helping children and parents recover from domestic violence

A New Leaf’s DVHEART (Domestic Violence Healing, Engaging, and Resiliency Training) uses a trauma informed approach to assist children and parents exposed to domestic violence, helping them to heal and improve their lives.

DVHEART provides parenting and healing art workshops that teach positive parenting skills, strengthen the bond between parents and children exposed to domestic violence, and increase resiliency in children as a protective factor against the trauma they have experienced.

DVHEART focuses on meeting the needs of children and their non-abusing parent through survivor centered approaches, including:

  • Helping survivors heal from their trauma
  • Increase parent confidence in advocating for self, and seeking supports
  • Improve parent and child wellbeing, parent-child relationships, family functioning, and parenting confidence and competence
  • Improve safety, discussing something never shared before and constructive ways of managing feelings
  • Improve positivity about self and future, and positive impact on relationships
  • Increase referrals from public as result of education/awareness and work with community providers to gain knowledge of domestic violence.

DVHEART provides a Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), evidence-based comprehensive parenting curriculum. Staff trained and accredited within A New Leaf to deliver Triple P Brief Interventions, Level 4 Standard, Level 4 Group, Level 4 Teen, Level 4 Fearless and Level 5 Pathways. DVHEART also provides A Window Between Worlds (AWBW), healing art workshops deliver by trained staff, for parents and children.


Both Triple-P and A Window Between Worlds are offered in English and Spanish. Services can be provided both in person and virtually; as well as in a group setting or individually.

Domestic Violence Hotlines:

people forever changed

Olivia’s Story

Meet Olivia, a survivor of domestic violence. She grew up in a broken home, and was unsure of how to be a good parent. With your help, Olivia found DVHEART, and is more confident than ever that she can break the cycle in her family.

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Victoria’s Story

Victoria suffered a serious head injury several years ago that has left her struggling to remember much of her life. While she does not remember much, she does know that this injury was not an accident. Victoria was attacked by her husband during an argument when he hit her in the head with a solid wooden table.

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Lonique’s Story

Meet Lonique, a victim of domestic violence, she ended up homeless with three young children. Thanks to supporters like you, they now have a safe, stable home. Lonique knows that Faith House saved her family, and her life.

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Olivia’s Story

Meet Olivia, a survivor of domestic violence. She grew up in a broken home, and was unsure of how to be a good parent. With your help, Olivia found DVHEART, and is more confident than ever that she can break the cycle in her family.

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Victoria’s Story

Victoria suffered a serious head injury several years ago that has left her struggling to remember much of her life. While she does not remember much, she does know that this injury was not an accident. Victoria was attacked by her husband during an argument when he hit her in the head with a solid wooden table.

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Lonique’s Story

Meet Lonique, a victim of domestic violence, she ended up homeless with three young children. Thanks to supporters like you, they now have a safe, stable home. Lonique knows that Faith House saved her family, and her life.

learn more

download the fact sheet for this program

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staff members

Lina Jones
Program Manager
(602) 291-8192

Dana Martinez
Program Director
(480) 982-0205 x4803

This website is supported by Grant Number 90EV0470-03-00 and 90EV0497-01-00 from the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services.